How to Create Static Page in Blogger Blog

Create Navigation Bar in your Blogger Blog

Blogger has introduced an important feature called 'Stand-Alone Pages' (static pages). These are pages made of sticky posts and displayed in tabs or links indefinitely at the top of your blog or in the side bar.

These pages could be used to provide important information to the reader, such as About Page, Archive, Contact, Special Posts, Offers, etc. Blogger allows you to make up to 10 such pages hence you can create your navigation bar.

Here are the easy steps to create your Static Pages in your Blogger Blog.

1. Sign into your Blogger account through

2. Click on New Post link as shown below.

3. Select the Edit Pages from the menu as shown in the below screenshot

4. Now, click on the New Page button as shown below

5. Next, write a page title and the related content and publish the page.

6. Finally, you have to decide where to display the Static Page. If in your Blog sidebar, select the 'Blog sidebar' option, or you can keep it as a menu below the header by selecting 'Blog tabs' option as shown in the below screenshot. Now, click "Save and Publish" button.

Congratulations! you have now created your static page. Remember Blogger allows you to make up to 10 such pages.

A final note : If you choose 'No gadget' option as shown in the above screenshot you have to manually add the static page in your Layout HTML code.


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