Next Generation of Computer Displays

Computer displays have been remarkably resistant to the advances that have affected the rest of computer technology. For example, in 1982 the original IBM PC had a 16-bit processor running at 4.77 MHz. Today's processors are about 1,000 faster. Today's monitors, on the other hand, are still small glass rectangles. No major advances have occurred.

The next generation in computer display, a new technology from Elumens that completely revolutionizes the visualization of digital information. In areas such as space design and simulation (flight, driving or battlefield simulation), this new display completely changes the way you interact with the digital environment!

On the right see Photo of The VisionStation has a large parabolic shell that is used to display the image projected by the wide-angle lens. (Photo courtesy Elumens Corporation)

A North Carolina-based company, Elumens, has designed a display system that takes peripheral vision into account. The VisionStation consists of a large, curved surface (reminiscent of a large satellite dish), a high-resolution data projector and a wide-angle projection lens.

The result is a display that shows you a very wide field of view, up to a full 180 degrees. An Elumens display takes over your entire visual field, including your peripheral vision. You see not only what is in front of you, but everything above, below, left and right. When you want to see what is "beside" you, you simply turn your head and look. For example, in a driving simulator, you can look out both side windows by turning your head just like you would in a real car.

The experience when watching an Elumens display is very interesting. Because it uses your peripheral vision, the sense of motion is very real. Turning your head to look at objects is very natural. Because the screen is completely smooth, there are no distractions.

Key benefits of the VisionStation are:

- It provides an immersive experience.
- It does not require cumbersome head gear for virtual environment.
- It accommodates both real and computer-generated 3-D data.
- It can be set up by two people in about two hours (three to four hours with the Optional LightShell enclosure).
- It is portable.
- It is highly scalable.
- It is as simple to operate as a traditional monitor.
- It can be used for a variety of applications.
- It accommodates a large portion of existing 3-D applications without special porting
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